Corporate Social Responsibility

At Danske Patruljeskibe K/S we believe that we have a responsibility to ensure our business operations create value for both society, our stakeholders, and ourselves. We are committed to meeting the fundamental corporate responsibilities in line with national and international standards.

Find more information about DPS and our CSR policies here.


Business Relationship Code of Conduct

At Danske Patruljeskibe K/S we work with a wide range of stakeholders and suppliers, and we find it essential that the relationships (suppliers, customers and partners) we build are based on trust and a mutual understanding of responsible and ethical business conduct.

Find more information about our Business Relationship Code of Conduct here.

Employee Code of Conduct

Our Employee Code of Conduct is applicable to all employees at Danske Patruljeskibe K/S. The code describes our commitments, what we need to comply with, and how we can help each other in our daily routines to live up to these commitments.

Find more information about our Employee Code of Conduct here.


Konsortiet Danske Patruljeskibe K/S består af OMT Naval ApS, Terma og PensionDanmark.