Overwhelming interest for the event on Thursday, August 17th

We are moving the event for potential partners and suppliers to Middelfart due to overwhelming interest

We are pleased to announce that due to the high interest in our event for potential partners and suppliers on August 17th, we are moving to a larger venue.

The event will now be held at Milling Park Hotel in Middelfart. The address is:

Milling Hotel Park
Viaduktvej 28
5500 Middelfart

Over 250 people have registered for the event, for which we are grateful and pleased. We interpret this overwhelming interest as an indication that the Danish industry shares our enthusiasm about the design and construction of new patrol ships for the Danish Defence. We look forward to our discussions in Middelfart on August 17th, 2023.

All registered attendees will be directly notified of the new address via email.

The day in Middelfart starts with registration at 9:00 AM, see more in the attached program.